Office of Student Life

AIM Tutorials

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NEW AIM V - How to Send Course Accessibility Letters

Or follow these text instructions: 

 Each semester, you will need to Log in to AIM to submit your accommodation requests.

  1. Your dashboard may notify you of e-agreements that you need to sign. Please review these documents and acknowledge them using the prompts on the screen.
  2. You should now see a list of your enrolled courses. If you do not see one or more of your courses, please contact SLDS.
  3. Select each course in which you are requesting accommodations.
  4. Then, click the button “Step 2 – Continue to Customize Your Accommodations”
  5. When generating Course Accessibility Letter, be sure to select Exam Accommodations if you would like to take your quizzes or exams with accommodations at SLDS
  6. For each course, select all of the accommodations that you are requesting. This checkbox feature allows you to create customized letters for each course! When finished, click the button “Submit Your Accommodation Requests.”
  7. The letters will be emailed to you and your instructor(s). You may also choose to download a PDF copy of the letter by selecting the course from the dropdown menu at the top of the page, then selecting "Generate PDF." Downloading a PDF copy is optional. If you have any concerns with this information being shared with instructors via email, please speak with your Access Specialist.

Important Reminders

Next Steps: Sending letters doesn't automatically put all accommodation details into place.  After letters have been sent, be sure to:

  1. discuss your accommodation requests with the relevant faculty/staff,
  2. complete any remaining accommodation procedures (read how in the following link: Requesting Accommodations
  3. contact SLDS with any questions or concerns.

Does your course have a Course Coordinator?: The accommodations of some common courses are coordinated partially or entirely by a course coordinator. It is important for you to know these contacts and follow up as needed with them. Please review the Common Courses - Contact List page for more information.

Changes?: If you make any changes to your accommodation selections after the first time you generate a Course Accessibility Letter, you will not be able to generate the revised letter without approval from SLDS. These approvals typically take 1 business day to process.

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