Student Resources & Scholarships
Navigation Links
- Test Anxiety Help
- Disability Access Resources
- Mental/Physical Health Resources
- Tutoring/Academic Services
- Student Organizations - Disability- Related
- General Campus Resources
- Scholarships - Scholarship applications are now live!
- Voter Registration
Test Anxiety Help
Watch this video to learn the causes of test anxiety and strategies that can help. PowerPoint slides and transcript are available for download at
Disability Access Resources
Accessibility Help Line (BuckeyeLink / My Student Center)
The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) has a dedicated phone number so you can get assistance with questions, concerns or issues involving use of assistive technologies with BuckeyeLink/My Student Center application.
- Phone: 614-292-5000
ADA Coordinator's Office (ADA)
This office collaborates with university offices, government agencies and advocacy groups to ensure university compliance with state and federal mandates. It is a referral point for disability-related information, services and resources. The office serves as a clearinghouse for disability-related complaints and develops disability-related initiatives.
- Phone: 614-292-6207 (voice) / 614-688-8605 (TTY)
- Website: ADA Coordinator's Office
University policy requires any student, faculty member or staff member with a temporary or permanent mobility impairment to obtain and use a CampusParc disability parking permit rather than using the state placard.
- Phone: 614-688-0000
- Website: CampusParc ADA Accessible Permits webpage
Deaf/Hard of Hearing/ASL Resources
- ASL Club at The Ohio State University
- Columbus Speech and Hearing Center
- Deaf Services Center
- Deaf Women of Ohio
- Deaf World Against Violence Everywhere
- Ohio Association of the Deaf
- Ohio Deaf and ASL Social Events
- Ohio School for the Deaf
- Ohio School Speech Pathology Educational Audiology Coalition
- Signs of Christmas
- OYO Camp
Digital Accessibility Center
The Digital Accessibility Center (DAC) is a partnership between the ADA Coordinator’s Office, part of the Civil Rights Compliance Office and the Student Life Disability Services, The Digital Accessibility Center provides support to campuses, colleges, and vice presidential units in the following areas:
- Evaluation of digital information and services for compliance with Ohio State’s Digital Accessibility Policy
- Investigation and resolution of complaints in consultation with the ADA Coordinator’s Office
- Training on accessible design and development practices
- Assistance in formation of exception requests and accommodation plans
- Advice and consultation on digital access strategies, purchasing controls, and training
Contact information:
- Email:
- Website: Digital Accessibility Center
Digital Accessibility Services
Digital Accessibility Services provides resources and assistance to those producing digital content, acquiring or building digital products, or who are serving as a Digital Accessibility Coordinator.
- Email:
- Website: Digital Accessibility Services
Facilities Operations and Development (FOD) Construction Updates
FOD maintains a blog with updates on campus construction projects. Students with mobility issues are encouraged to use this blog to stay aware of environmental barriers that may be created during construction.
Housing & Residence Education (On-Campus)
Student Life Housing & Res Ed staff work to accommodate the needs of students. Students who need disability-related assignment consideration and/or have a service dog or emotional support animal should contact Student Life Disability Services to discuss housing barriers.
Student Life Residence Life staff works to support students within the residence hall communities during their time living with us. Those with inquiries about event programming, roommate concerns, student organization involvement or other in-hall concerns should contact the Residence Hall Director of their assigned residence hall/apartment community.
- Contact:
- Phone: Housing Administration (Contracts, Assignments) 614-292-8266
- Phone: Residence Life (Residence Hall staff, educational & leadership opportunities) 614-292-3930
- Website: University Housing
Library Assistance
The Ohio State University Library (OSUL) system can assist you when it comes to retrieving electronic and/or photocopying materials from the library.
- Contact: Tony Maniaci (
- Phone: 614-247-6888
- Website: University Libraries
Nisonger Center
The Nisonger Center provides assistance to people with disabilities, families, service providers and organizations to promote inclusion in education, health, employment and community settings. Nisonger Center offers two programs for students on the Autism Spectrum: Aspirations Ohio and ACE.
- Aspirations: visit the Aspirations website.
- ACE: contact Karen Krainz Edison (
- Phone: 614-293-0536
Office of International Affairs (OIA) - Studying Abroad
Just as cultures differ from country to country, so do perceptions of disability and reasonable accommodations. In collaboration with SLDS, OIA seeks to enable all students to pursue an international experience. If you anticipate or experience barriers based on your disability (including mental health, chronic or temporary medical conditions), please inform the Office of International Affairs or your program coordinator to privately discuss options.
- Phone: 614-292-6101
- Website: Office of International Affairs - Accommodations
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)
OOD is the state's agency that provides vocational rehabilitation services to help people with disabilities become employed and independent. Direct vocational rehabilitation is provided by two of its agencies: Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR) and the Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired (BSVI). BVR assists people with disabilities by providing vocational rehabilitation and other services. BSVI provides vocational rehabilitation and other services to Ohioans who are blind or have low vision.
In addition, Ohio College2Careers, a partnership between The Ohio State University and Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, aims for students with disabilities to have the support they need to complete their degree and/or credential, earn higher wages, and meet the demands of tomorrow’s labor market. Here at The Ohio State University, Cyndi Mignone and Shelby Ross are the Ohio College2Careers Counselors.
- Shelby Ross (
- Website: Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
Paratransit Services
Ohio State provides campus transportation services for students with disabilities. This service transports passengers door-to-door, both on and off campus within established University proximity boundaries.
- Phone: 614-292-6202
- Website: Paratransit Services
Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic
The Clinic offers an extensive range of services for preschoolers, school-age children and adults with disorders of hearing, articulation, language, voice or fluency who receive assessment and intervention from our experienced staff of audiologists and speech-language pathologists.
- Phone: 614-292-6251
- Website: Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic
Mental/Physical Health Resources
Collegiate Recovery Community
The Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC) is a welcoming and inclusive environment for students in or seeking recovery from substance misuse. The CRC is a place where students are empowered to be their authentic selves and support one another while navigating their college experience free of alcohol and other drugs. The CRC serves as a touch point for students in recovery who are either currently attending or plan on attending The Ohio State University by acting as a connector for students and assisting them in utilizing resources on and off campus.
- Phone: 614-292-2094
- Website: Collegiate Recovery Community : Student Wellness Center (
- Schedule an appointment
Counseling and Consultation Service (CCS)
This office provides a wide variety of group and individual services including counseling and limited psychiatric services, workshops, and support groups dealing with a wide range of mental health topics to currently enrolled undergraduate, graduate and professional students. Call for dates and times of activities or individual appointments.
- Phone: 614-292-5766
- Website: Counseling and Consultation Service
CCS also offers an online Community Provider Database as a resource to search for private mental health care providers in the communities surrounding The Ohio State University campuses.
- Website: CCS Community Provider Database
Couple and Family Therapy Clinic
The clinic serves individuals, couples and families of the university and greater Columbus communities. The office is open for both day and evening appointments Monday through Thursday, with day time appointments on Fridays.
- Phone: 614-292-3671
- Website: Couple and Family Therapy Clinic
Psychological Services Center
The Psychological Services Center (PSC) provides psychological treatment to students. All of the services offered at the PSC are free of any charges. Currently, we offer individual cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety and stress, mood disorders, behavioral medicine issues, personality disorders and other related problems.
- Phone: 614-292-2345
- Website: Psychological Services Center
Recreational Sports
Rec Sports encourages and supports the participation of individuals with disabilities in all programs and services. To facilitate opportunities for people with and without disabilities to engage in leisure pursuits together, Student Life Rec Sports provides inclusion support services to students at no extra cost. To ensure an accommodation, please notify the office at least two weeks in advance of your request.
- Phone: 614-292-7671
- Email:
- Website: Rec Sports - Accommodations
Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO) Campus Advocacy
SARNCO's campus advocacy coordinators offers confidential support for survivors of sexual violence for The Ohio State University community (students, staff, faculty, and visitors). Services include: confidential reporting, safety planning, crisis response, information about options, and referrals to other local resources. SARNCO advocates do not provide counseling, legal services, legal advice, or case management - but can connect you to options for those services.
- 24/7 Helpline: 614-267-7020
- Office Hours Phone: 614-688-2518
- Email: ;
- Website: SARNCO
Student Health Services
The Wilce Student Health Center, Student Life Student Health Services (SLSHS), at The Ohio State University is a Joint Commission accredited outpatient facility providing a variety of health care services to the student population. All students enrolled at the Ohio State University are eligible to use SLSHS, regardless of health insurance coverage.
- Phone: 614-292-4321
- Website: Student Health Services
Student Wellness Center
The Student Wellness Center serves as a resource for information on various health issues, provides programs and services to individuals and groups, and contributes to the development of a more healthy and caring campus community. The Student Wellness Center complements and supports the academic mission of the university by assisting students in obtaining optimal levels of health, growth and well-being. The Student Wellness Center promotes the 9 dimensions of wellness including: Emotional, Career, Social, Spiritual, Physical, Financial, Intellectual, Aesthetic and Environmental.
- Phone: 614-292-4527
- Website: Student Wellness Center
Suicide Prevention Program
The Ohio State University Suicide Prevention Program (OSUSPP) aims to educate all members of our campus community about suicide prevention. They are dedicated to promoting a culture of caring among our staff, faculty, and students. They provide suicide prevention training (REACH), resources, education, and student involvement opportunities.
- Phone: 614-688-5829
- Website (General): Suicide Prevention Program
- Website (Seeking Help): Suicide Prevention - Types of Help
- Email:
Tutoring/Academic Services
A+ Research Coaching
A+ Research Coaching is a one-on-one peer coaching program that aims to support the development of research skills. Our Research Coaches work with fellow undergraduate students to develop skills in research topic development, finding appropriate sources, citing sources, and more! If you are interested in signing up for a coaching appointment please visit our website for instructions: For any questions regarding Research Coaching please email Leah Janikowski at
Dennis Learning Center
The mission of the Dennis Learning Center is to provide students of all backgrounds with strategies for college success that will enable them to enter, excel in, and complete programs of postsecondary education. The DLC serves as a resource for students in need of learning assistance in a number of areas, including motivation, academic stress, procrastination, study skills, time management, test-taking strategies, learning from text, note taking and self-regulation strategies. Individual academic coaching appointments are available.
- Phone: 614-688-4011
- Website: Dennis Learning Center
General Chemistry Learning Resource Center
The Learning Resource Center is available for assistance in General Chemistry courses. The Help Room usually staffed with 5 teaching assistants, for assistance with Chemistry courses 1110, 1210, 1220 and 1250.
- Phone: 614-292-6009
- Website: General Chemistry Learning Resource Center
Economics Learning Center
The Economics Learning Center (ELC) provides FREE peer tutoring by Undergraduate Student Tutors in Economics 2001, 2002, 4001, & 4002 (and other courses as available).
- Phone: 614-292-6701
- Website: Economics Learning Center
Math Advising Office
The Department of Mathematics maintains an Advising Office that provides assistance in placement, retesting and general difficulties and concerns related to math courses. Math study strategies are also provided.
- Phone: 614-292-4975
- Website: Math Advising Office
Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center (MSLC)
The MSLC offers free tutoring for almost all courses below Math 1254. Refer to the web site for courses, hours and room locations.
- Phone: 614-688-3157
- Website: Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center
Physics Department - Tutoring
The Department of Physics offers free tutoring. Hours and tutor availability posted in the tutor room each term.
- Phone: 614-292-5713
- Website: Physics Tutoring
The SpringForward program provides academic success support for first-year students whose first semester didn’t go exactly as they planned and may need some help bouncing back.
- Phone: 614-247-4341
- Website: SpringForward
Writing Center
The Writing Center offers free one-on-one tutorial assistance to students who need help with any aspect of the writing process. Other online resources and individual appointments are available. Call for more information or to schedule a tutorial appointment.
- Phone: 614-688-5865
- Website: Writing Center
Student Organizations - Disability-Related
There are over 1,400 student organizations at Ohio State and over half of all students join a student organization. Students who choose to get involved achieve many positive outcomes – develop leadership skills, achieve better grades, build friendships and mentorships, and make a big campus feel small.
SLDS does not advise nor specifically endorse these organizations. For individualized assistance finding the student organization that's right for you, schedule a Get Involved Consultation with the Student Activities office. These 30-minute meetings will provide a personalized list of recommendations based on your interests and aspirations.
Student Activities also has a searchable webpage where you can explore active student organizations via their alphabetical list and “advanced search” criteria options.
Below we’ve listed a few disability and mental health-related organizations to get you started in your search!
- 4 Paws For Ability at Ohio State
- Accessible Prosthetics Initiative
- Adaptive Sports and Wellness Student Group
- The Alliance of Students with Disabilities for Inclusion, Networking, and Transition Opportunities in STEM
- Autism Speaks U
- Autistic Students Union
- Best Buddies International
- Black Mental Health Coalition
- Buckeyes for Accessibility
- The College Diabetes Network - Diabetes Link
- The Deaf-Hearing Club at The Ohio State University
- Disability Advocacy Coalition - Medicine
- Disability Studies Graduate Student Association
- Graduate Association of Mental Health Action and Advocacy
- Guiding Eyes for the Blind
- The Main Menu Project
- Mental Health Matters
- MindVersity at Ohio State
- Never Walk Alone
- Omega Gamma
- OUTdoors
- Project HEAL
- Spirit for All
- Sunny Side Up
- Wellness Advocacy
- Veteran Companion Service Animals
General Campus Resources
Buckeye Careers - Career Counseling
By providing individual/group career services and programming to promote academic, personal and occupational success of students by assisting them in career decision making and career development. Call for dates and times of activities or individual appointments with a counselor.
- Phone: 614-688-3898
- Website: Buckeye Careers
Disability Studies (Academic Program)
Disability Studies examines the nature, meaning and consequences of disability in global culture from an integrated social, political and cultural model. The program is designed to provide a context of understanding the meaning and experience of difference in society by requiring students to examine how disability intersects gender, race, class, age and sexuality. The program includes an Undergraduate Minor, a Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization and a Graduate Student Association.
- Website: Disability Studies
Military and Veterans Services / VetSuccess on Campus
Military and Veteran Services provides affirmative action assistance to covered veterans; provide employee relations support to all faculty and staff veterans; provide enrollment certification for student veterans participating in the GI Bill program; to serve as a focal point for all campus activities; and to foster a positive campus and community atmosphere.
- Phone: 614-247-8387
- Website: Military and Veterans Services
Vet Success on Campus is formed by a partnership between The Ohio State University and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and serves all Veteran students, Active Duty and Dependents attending Ohio State. Through a full time VetSuccess On Campus Counselor, all eligible students can access VA services such as guidance and support for education benefits, assistance in understanding readjustment difficulties and their impact on school, and referrals to readjustment counseling. VetSuccess On Campus also offers assistance with applying for other VA benefits, career exploration and job placement.
- Contact: Brett Mack (
- Phone: 614-688-1602
Off-Campus and Commuter Student Engagement
This office provides programs and services to meet the needs of The Ohio State University’s off-campus and commuter students and to address the needs of persons wishing to live and engage as a resident of the University community.
- Phone: 614-292-0100
- Website: Off-Campus and Commuter Student Engagement
Student Activities
Student Activities creates transformational involvement and leadership opportunities with over 1,300 student organizations, immersive service trips, campus events and initiatives to serve locally.
- Phone: 614-292-8763
- Website: Student Activities
Student Advocacy Center
This office provides assistance for students navigating Ohio State’s structure, helping to resolve issues they encounter while at the university. They will answer your questions, direct you to the appropriate departments and people, and help you to become familiar with university rules, policies and procedures.
- Phone: 614-292-1111
- Website: Student Advocacy Center
Student Conduct
The primary focus of this office is to promote university community standards through the administration of The Ohio State University Code of Student Conduct. It also serves as an information source on student discipline, judicial hearings, appeals, grievance procedures and academic misconduct issues.
- Phone: 614-292-0748
- Website: Student Conduct
Student Financial Aid
If you have questions about financial aid in general, financial aid status or how your financial aid will be affected if you drop a class, this is the office to contact. Throughout the semester, you can see a counselor from the Financial Aid office who can assist you in answering these and more questions. You can also see your Disability Services Access Specialist for a direct contact with a counselor in the Financial Aid office.
- Phone: 614-292-0300 or toll free: 800-678-6440
- Website: Student Financial Aid
Student Legal Services
Student Legal Services at The Ohio State University (SLS) is a non-profit law office employing legal professionals to provide advice, representation, education and resources to eligible Ohio State students regarding a wide range of legal issues, including criminal misdemeanors, traffic offenses, landlord-tenant, consumer and credit matters, dissolutions, simple wills and power of attorney, notary and much more.
- Phone: 614-247-5853
- Website: Student Legal Services
Title IX Coordinator (in the Civil Rights Compliance Office)
This office coordinates the university’s compliance with Title IX. The office serves as the point of contact for claims of discrimination based on sex, gender identity, or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity. Sex discrimination includes sexual violence.
- Phone: (614) 247-5838
- Email:
- Website: Title IX Coordinator’s Office
Disability Services has the honor of awarding multiple scholarships to students with specific disabilities or majors. Below is a list of scholarships with descriptions. Ohio State current students and applicants with an Ohio State name.n (e.g., buckeye.444) can apply for these and other scholarships. To learn more about how to use Scholarship Universe and to access the applications, visit Ohio State's Scholarship Universe site and the Scholarship Universe FAQ page. It is important for students to answer as many of the profile answers as you can in order to be matched with the most scholarship possibilities.
ScholarshipUniverse is a scholarship-matching tool that connects Buckeyes to university and university vetted external scholarships.
To apply each year, file the FAFSA and complete the ScholarshipUniverse application by the priority date publised by Financial Aid.
If you have questions about the scholarships listed below, please e-mail
Scholarship Name | Criteria | Amount |
Anna Sborowitz Scholarship |
Varies |
Charles W. Medick Scholarship | Eligible students must have a visual disability. | Varies |
Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Scholarship |
The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation is committed to enabling students living with spinal cord injury (SCI) to receive affordable, quality educational opportunities and to eliminate barriers for academic success. Eligible Ohio State enrolled or applying students (All campuses, undergrad, master's level, and transfer) can apply for the Neilsen Scholarship Program for grants that may support students' various finances, including tuition, housing, and many other expenses. Eligibilty: Only individuals with neurological and functional impairment due to traumatic SCI, degenerative disease primary to the spinal cord (i.e., transverse myelitis) or damage to the spinal cord due to tumors and surgery are eligible for support through this program. Individuals with spinal dysfunction, paralysis or pain syndromes caused by other traumatic or primary orthopedic, genetic or developmental disorders are not eligible (e.g., multiple sclerosis, ALS, Chiari malformation or peripheral nerve injury). Student pursing Bachelor's or Master's degrees may apply. Neilsen Deadline: 3/25/25 |
Varies |
Ohio Lions Foundation/Helen Keller Scholarship | Eligible students must be residents of the state of Ohio and must have a visual disability. Preference will be given to those students who are legally blind. | $3000 |
Shell Oil Company Scholarship for STEM Majors with Disabilities |
To qualify, students must be in one of the following majors:
$500 |
William and Francis Junk Scholarship | Eligible students must be a resident at Creative Living and have a mobility disability. | Varies |
Buckeye Braille Scholarship and Support Fund | This fund’s goal is to promote the use of Braille on campus. The fund provides scholarships to students with disabilities. Expenditures may be used for tuition, housing, textbooks or other educational expenses, or to purchase assistive technology devices. | Varies |
Other External Scholarships
- Scholarships for College Students with Disabilities
- Scholarships and Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities
- Addiction Recovery Scholarships
Voter Registration
Ohio State provides several opportunities for all students to complete voter registration forms.
OSU Votes
OSU Votes is a non-partisan committee headed by Pay It Forward at The Ohio Union dedicated to registering, educating, and motivating students to vote. There are 13 students who were selected to be a part of this committee. Per the university motto of "Education for Citizenship," OSU Votes will help students not only register to vote, but learn about the voting process, the candidates and issues, and most importantly how to be a civically engaged student at The Ohio State University.
Voter Registration at Disability Services
Disability Services is a designated voter registration site; voter registration forms and other information about voting are available from your Access Specialist. The forms are also available in the front reception area.
- Any resident of Franklin County in Columbus, Ohio, can register to vote using the forms found at Disability Services.
- For Ohio residents outside of the Franklin county area, you can vote via an absentee ballot. Your Access Specialist has information on how you can contact your particular Board of Elections.
- If you are from another state, you must obtain an absentee ballot from your home county and state.
- The national voter registration form is also available so that any student from any state can register to vote at Disability Services. This form must be sent back to your home state for voter registration purposes.
For students who are already registered voters, you must submit a new form if you have changed your name or address since the last time you voted or if you have not voted in any election in the last four years.