Office of Student Life

Documentation Guidelines

Disability Services will review and consider all pieces of documentation submitted. Documentation will assist Disability Services in understanding how the disability impacts the student in an academic or cocurricular setting and the current impact of the disability as it relates to the accommodations requested. Reviewing documentation is a collaborative process and is handled on a case-to-case basis. The eligibility determination process is not a same day process. Once documentation is uploaded via a New Student Application, it will be reviewed in order of receipt; therefore, it is recommended that documentation be submitted well in advance of any accommodation related needs. Typically, documentation is processed and the student will be notified within three business days of receipt.

Students who have readily observable permanent disabilities (e.g. wheelchair user, white cane user) do not need to submit documentation. Instead, simply submit your application and then contact the office at 614-292-3307, or stop by the office during drop-in hours, to schedule a Welcome Meeting.

We understand it may be difficult for you to obtain disability documentation for registration.  Please know that this is no cause to delay reaching out to our office. We are here to work with you.  Please contact us if you have documentation concerns. 

There are multiple ways to provide Disability Services with documentation of your disability. Documentation should provide proof of diagnosis and/or prior accommodations. Disability Services follows the guidance from the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) on documentation review and accommodation approval. Some examples of acceptable disability documentation include:

  • IEP/504 plan
  • Medical records / patient portal diagnostic summary
  • Letter from a healthcare professional, on letterhead, which includes a signature (digital or handwritten), and confirms a diagnosis.
  • Disability Services Verification Form (Must be completed by a healthcare professional.)
  • Accommodation letter from previous postsecondary institution
  • Full evaluation/diagnostic report (e.g. ETR, MFE)

The following information is helpful, but not required, in order to determine the best possible accommodations and supports:

  • Severity of the disorder (mild/moderate/severe)
  • Medication or treatment currently prescribed
  • Recommended adjustments that may assist the student in minimizing the impact of the condition in an academic or cocurricular setting.

Housing Accommodations

Students with housing accommodation requests should complete the appropriate application. Below is a list of the required documentation, all of which can be found at the top right corner of this page. Please read the descriptions to determine which documents are applicable for you. 

  • Student Housing Questions – All students should answer the SLDS housing questions to the best of their ability. 
  • Provider Housing Letter- all students (except those ONLY requesting ESA and those with apparent disabilities) 
  • Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Letter- required if student is requesting ESA
  • SERVICE ANIMALS: Service animals are trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. If your animal is a trained service animal, you do not need approval from SLDS for it to reside with you in a residence hall. Instead, you must inform Housing and Residence Education of the animal so they can provide you with your next steps. What is the difference between an ESA and a Service Animal?
  • Please note: If you have a readily observable disability (e.g. wheelchair user, white cane user), you do not need to upload documentation. Instead, please contact us after submitting your application to schedule your Welcome Meeting. 

Please have your documentation ready to upload when you complete the application. You can submit documentation later, but your housing request cannot be reviewed until all documentation is submitted.  

Temporary/Provisional Accommodations

Students with temporary injuries, such as a broken leg/arm, concussion or surgery recovery can register with and receive services through Disability Services on a temporary basis. Temporary students do not need to follow the formal registration process. Instead, students should visit or contact our office and ask to speak with an Access Specialist about registering for a temporary injury.

In unique situations, provisional accommodations may be approved for students who can provide evidence of actively engaging in the diagnostic process. These provisional accommodations are typically approved for 1 semester, and may later be approved on a permanent basis upon receipt of appropriate documentation.


If you would like to discuss the documentation review process, you may speak with a Disability Services Access Specialist so that your questions and concerns can be addressed.