Office of Student Life

Registration Process

 We offer a few different types of registrations, depending on your needs. If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact us.

Navigation Links:

Temporary Registrations

If you have a temporary injury (e.g. broken bone, concussion, surgery recovery), please complete these steps:

  1. Submit a New Student Application and upload documentation which confirms your temporary injury (doctor's visit summary, photograph of your cast, etc.). If you have any barriers in being able to complete the application, please give us a call.
  2. Within a few business days, you'll receive a "Schedule your Temp Registration Meeting" email with instructions on how to complete your registration. 

Standard Registrations (Scarlet Option)

Step 1: Submit a New Student Application and upload documentation.

  • For guidance on the documentation required, review our Documentation Guidelines.
  • Download our Disability Verification Form (which is one way that a medical professional can provide you with disability documentation).
  • If you are a veteran and your medical conditions are on file with the VA, we encourage you to contact Brett Mack (, Ohio State VetSuccess on Campus Counselor. Brett can help provide documentation to you in an expedited manner.
  • If it is difficult for you to obtain medical documentation, please know that this should not be a cause to delay reaching out to our office. Contact us and we will work with you.
  • If you have a readily observable disability (e.g. wheelchair user, white cane user), you do not need to upload documentation. Instead, please contact us after submitting your application to schedule your Welcome Meeting.

Step 2: After submitting required documents, our application review team will review your materials. If eligible, you will receive an email inviting you to schedule a Welcome Meeting. 

This meeting is meant to determine eligibility for accommodations and implement any approved accommodations.

  • Your email will include the name of your assigned Access Specialist (based on your primary major/program).
  • If not approved, then you will instead receive an email with instructions for how to provide sufficient documentation.
  • To ensure that you do not miss important emails from SLDS, we encourage you to either (1) add the domain "" to your safe sender list (Outlook 365 instructions), or (2) regularly check your junk mail folder.

Step 3: Attend your Welcome Meeting.

All Welcome Meetings are currently being conducted via phone/Zoom by default. In-person meetings are available upon request. During your Welcome Meeting, you and your Access Specialist will discuss:

  • Any disability-related barriers you may be experiencing in your academics,
  • The accommodations that would best address those barriers, and
  • How to set up accommodations in your classes.

Housing Accommodation Requests

Housing FAQ

The priority deadlines for SLDS-supported accommodations to be factored into the upcoming academic year’s housing assignment are: 

  •  last Friday of January (January 31, 2025) for RETURNING students 

  • first Monday of April (April 7, 2025) for NEW students 

Please only complete one application. Completing more than one application may slow down processing time. 

 If you are seeking ONLY housing accommodations please complete the Housing Accommodation Request Form. 

 If you are seeking both housing and academic accommodations, please complete the Academic/Housing Accommodation Request Form.  

STEP 1: Submit a Housing Accommodation Request Form and upload ALL required documents.

STEP 2: After submitting ALL required documents our application review team will review your materials. If eligible, you will receive an email inviting you to schedule a Welcome Meeting. 

 STEP 3: Attend your Welcome Meeting. 

 During your Welcome Meeting, you and your Access Specialist will: 

  • Discuss barriers in your current or future residential space 
  • Identify potential options for housing accommodations 
  • Outline next steps and any additional follow-up 


  • Final housing accommodation decisions will not be determined during the Welcome Meeting. 
  • ALL requests discussed during your meeting will then be reviewed by the SLDS Housing Accommodation Requests Committee, and the final determination will be communicated to you by your Access Specialist. 
  • SLDS cannot approve specific residence halls, locations, or roommates as housing accommodations. 
  • SLDS does not offer an accommodation for an "on-campus housing exemption." Instead, we encourage students to engage with our office to discuss any disability-related barriers they may encounter in on-campus housing. 
  • All housing assignments are sent from Housing and Residence Education. If you have questions about the timing of receiving your assignment, please contact Housing and Residence Education.   

Administrative Registrations (Gray Option)

Administrative registrations are self-directed and do not require a Welcome Meeting. Students will be responsible for carefully reviewing the SLDS Handbook and scheduling a follow up meeting with their Access Specialist for any questions or new requests.

If you are only requesting accommodations from the following list and your documentation supports the accommodations, then you may request an administrative registration:

  • priority scheduling
  • 1.5x or 2x extended time on exams
  • distraction-reduced small group testing space
  • use of personal notetaking technology/apps (e.g. laptop/iPad, Notability, Glean, Smartpen)
  • access to lecture visual aids in advance (e.g. PowerPoint slides)

If you qualify for Adminstrative (Gray) registration, these are the steps to opt-in:

  1. On Question #1 of your New Student Application, select “Administrative Registration” to opt-in. Please be specific about your requests and remember to upload disability documentation. For more detailed application instructions, see Standard Registrations, Step 1.

  2. Within 5 days of uploading documentation, you will receive a status update email confirming your eligibility for administrative (Gray) registration. If you are not eligible, then the email will explain next steps for standard (Scarlet) registration.

  3. Within one week, you will receive a registration confirmation email which lists your approved accommodations and next steps for requesting those accommodations in your classes.