Office of Student Life

Housing FAQ


Housing Accommodations FAQ 


Process: What is the process for requesting housing accommodations? 


  1. Students should FIRST complete the Student Housing Questions and reach out to their provider to write a letter using the guidance in the Provider Housing Letter document.  If you are requesting an ESA in the residence hall, please also complete the Housing ESA Guidance. Have your documentation ready to upload when you complete the application. You can submit documentation later, but your housing request cannot be reviewed until all documentation is submitted.  
  2.  Fill out the application found on the SLDS website. Select the appropriate application after you have clicked the link.  


           Accommodation Request Form

      3. SLDS will review the application materials and then email you to schedule a Welcome Meeting to complete your registration with SLDS. ALL requests discussed during your meeting will then be reviewed by the Housing Committee, and the final determination will be communicated to you by your Access Specialist. 

     4. All housing assignments are sent from Housing and Residence Education. If you have questions about the timing of receiving your assignment, please contact Housing and Residence Education.   

Please note that SLDS does not offer an accommodation for an "on-campus housing exemption." Instead, we encourage students to engage with our office to discuss any disability-related barriers they may encounter in on-campus housing.  


Application: Which application should I complete?  

  • The Housing Accommodation Request Form should be completed if you are requesting ONLY housing accommodations.  
  • If you are seeking both housing AND academic accommodations, you should complete the Academic/Housing Accommodation Request Form. If you do not have the necessary housing documentation completed, you will still be able to receive academic accommodations while you gather the appropriate documents for housing accommodations.

Documentation: What documentation do I need to submit?  

  • All documents can be found on the Documentation Guidelines page the website. 
  • Student Housing Questions – All students should answer the SLDS housing questions to the best of their ability. 
  • Provider Housing Letter- all students (except those ONLY requesting ESA and those with apparent disabilities) 
  • Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Letter- required if student is requesting ESA
  • SERVICE ANIMALS: Service animals are trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. If your animal is a trained service animal, you do not need approval from SLDS for it to reside with you in a residence hall. Instead, you must inform Housing and Residence Education of the animal so they can provide you with your next steps. What is the difference between an ESA and a Service Animal?
  • Please note: If you have a readily observable disability (e.g. wheelchair user, white cane user), you do not need to upload documentation. Instead, please contact us after submitting your application to schedule your Welcome Meeting. 


I attend a regional campus. How do I request housing accommodations?

  • You will follow the same process, including gathering documentation and submitting the correct application. The Disability Services staff on your campus will review your application and reach out to you with next steps. 

I am already registered with SLDS. What do I need to do to request housing accommodations? 

  • Review the documentation requirements and complete the necessary documentation. 
  • Send the completed documentation to your Access Specialist. Your Access Specialist will review the documents and may reach out to schedule a follow up meeting if more information is needed. 
  • You do not need to complete the Housing Application.

Housing contracts: I want to live off campus. What are my options? 

  • Review the HRE website for more information about the live-on requirement: Housing and Residence Education
  • SLDS does not provide a contract release accommodation. Our role is to identify the barriers that exist in the residential environment that impact your disability. Once SLDS understands your specific disability barriers, we connect with Housing and Residence Education (HRE) to determine if those needs can be met within OSU’s standard program (in this case the two-year required resident experience for students). Only HRE can cancel contracts or waive the requirement to live on campus. 

I do not fall within the two-year live-on policy, but I still want to live on campus. Can I receive housing accommodations? 

  • SLDS does not provide an accommodation that permits students to live on campus past the two-year live-on policy. 
  • Students must work with Housing and Residence Education to determine if they will be offered a housing contract beyond their second year. 
  • Students can request accommodations through SLDS following the request process. If housing accommodations are approved, SLDS will send the approval to HRE, but this does not guarantee that you will be offered a contract. HRE makes the determination about who will receive on campus housing. 

Air Conditioning: What if I'm only requesting AC because I have asthma/allergies?

  •  Submit documentation from your provider confirming your diagnosis when you complete the SLDS housing application. SLDS will follow up with you via email.  

Can my parents talk to SLDS about my housing request? 

  • Parents are welcome to serve as a support person, but the student is required to participate in the process. 
  • Student Life Disability Services (SLDS) views all materials pertaining to a student’s disability as confidential. Students must complete a Release of Information form and send it to their Access Specialist from their Buckeye mail to permit SLDS to speak with a parent. 
  • Communication regarding housing requests will be sent to the student, so parents are encouraged to speak with their student to receive updates. 

Communication: Why haven’t I heard from SLDS?  

  • Be sure you submitted your application and all necessary documents. 
  • Check your Buckeye mail frequently, as all communications will be sent via email.  
  • Housing determinations involve many steps after the Welcome Meeting has been completed.
  • During high volume times (March-August), responses may be delayed.  


Disagreement: What if I disagree with the determination?  

  • When housing accommodations are denied, students will receive an email that includes the reason for the denial and next steps if they would like to grieve the decision.  
  • Please see our website for information about the Grievance Procedure.


Status of request: How do I find out the status of my request?


  • During the spring and summer months, SLDS has a high volume of housing requests. Each request is reviewed collaboratively by the SLDS Housing Accommodation Requests Committee. Check your Buckeye mail frequently, as your Access Specialist may contact you to request clarification or additonal information.  
  • All decisions will be sent to students by Buckeye mail.  

  • If you have questions about where your request is in the process, please email your assigned Access Specialist.