Contact My Access Specialist
Your Access Specialist is assigned to you based on your academic college/major. Refer to the table below to find your Access Specialist's information. You can contact your Access Specialist by emailing them or scheduling a follow-up appointment.
Follow-up Meetings:
Examples of reasons to schedule a follow-up meeting include adjusting accommodations, housing questions, accommodation implementation concerns, and working with your Access Specialist regarding an ongoing matter. Other matters that would go beyond the 15-minute time limit of a drop-in should be discussed during a follow-up meeting.
Drop-in Consultations:
Drop-in consultations for students, faculty, staff, and guests can be conducted via phone or in person for Autumn 2024. Drop-in hours are Monday-Friday from 10a-1p and 2p-4p. Some staff may visit with you virtually even if you are on-site if they are working remotely that day.
- Drop-ins are intended to provide you with an opportunity to speak with an Access Specialist about time-sensitive matters. They are limited to 10-15 minutes and are intended for issues that can be resolved quickly.
- Some examples of appropriate drop-in topics include technical issues with AIM, urgent temporary accommodations, questions about documentation or next steps in the application process, or faculty consultations.
- Your drop-in request may not be resolved same day.
- You must be in the queue 15 minutes prior to the end of the consult times.
Access Specialist | Academic Colleges | Email Address | Schedule a Follow-Up Appt. |
Heidi Aune (Lead Access Specialist) |
Kayleigh Benson |
Kelly Bonice (Associate Director) |
Madalyn Lyons |
Caitlyn McCandless (Associate Director) |
Cormac McKenzie |
Schedule with Cormac | |
Sarah Goebel |
Connor Ruetz |
Michelle Salomone |
Jamonae Scarborough |
Jenny Speas |
Lauren Rose Strand |
Nathalie Weissman |
Schedule with Nathalie |
Access Specialist Team

Heidi Aune
Accessibility Manager

Kayleigh Benson
Access Specialist

Madalyn Lyons, LSW
Access Specialist

Cormac McKenzie
Access Specialist

Sarah Goebel (née Ring)
Access Specialist

Connor Ruetz
Access Specialist

Michelle Salomone, LSW
Access Specialist

Jamonae Scarborough
Access Specialist

Jenny Speas
Access Specialist

Lauren Rose Strand, PhD
Access Specialist

Nathalie Weissman
Access Specialist

Daniela Duddleston
Access Student Assistant

Cara Maze
Access Student Assistant
Associate Directors

Caitlyn McCandless
Associate Director

Kelly Bonice, LSW
Associate Director