Office of Student Life

Grievance Procedure

The University and The Office of Student Life Disability Services (SLDS) support you in your right to file a grievance when you believe you have been denied equal access in the form of appropriate accommodations, modifications, auxiliary aids or effective communication or suffered discriminatory harassment as described in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 or the Ohio Administrative Code 4112-5-09: Discrimination against persons with disabilities in institutions of higher education.

The general grievance procedures, which apply to all students, are available to students with disabilities. The grievance procedures listed below are additional procedures that apply to students with disabilities who feel their rights have been violated under 504 and ADA.

Resolving Conflicts with the University, Faculty or Staff, University Department, Program, Organization, including Disability Services

  1. Students are encouraged to discuss their concerns with their SLDS Access Specialist as their first step.
  2. If either the student or the Access Specialist thinks that a satisfactory resolution to their conflict is still not reached, the student may consult with the SLDS Director or designee.
  3. If a satisfactory resolution is still not reached, the student may notify the Civil Rights Compliance Office (Notification form). Their staff will evaluate the complaint and determine an appropriate resolution.
  4. If the complaint is not resolved at the university level, the student may choose to file a complaint with the Federal Office for Civil Rights, The Ohio Civil Rights Commission or Disability Rights Ohio (formerly the Ohio Legal Rights Service). These entities will take complaints and will investigate when appropriate.

Resolving Alleged Discrimination by Another Student

In situations where students allege discrimination by another student, students have the option of filing formal charges under the Code of Student Conduct. Contact the Office of Student Conduct for further information.

Contact Information

Student Life Disability Services

098 Baker Hall
113 W. 12th Ave
Columbus, OH 43210-1297
Voice: 614-292-3307
VRS: 614-429-1334
FAX: 614-292-4190

ADA Coordinator's Office 

1501 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Voice: 614-292-6207
TTY: 614-688-8605
FAX: 614-688-3665

Student Conduct

550 Lincoln Tower
1800 Cannon Dr.
Voice: 614-292-0748

Federal Office for Civil Rights

Voice: 800-368-1019
TDD: 800-537-7697
FAX: 312-886-1807

Ohio Civil Rights Commission

Voice: 614-466-2785
TTY: 614-752-2391
FAX: 614-466-6250

Disability Rights Ohio

Voice: 614-466-7264
TTY: 614-728-2553
FAX: 614-644-1888